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Nurturing Nature, Cultivating Trust

Starting at Rs.1209.00

Showing 1-100 of 284

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Hoya Kerrii

Rs.800.00 PKR

Foxtail Palm

Rs.950.00 PKR

Bougainvillea Yellow

Rs.4000.00 PKR

Grapes Black

Rs.400.00 PKR

Stevia Menthol

Rs.800.00 PKR

Gazania Flower

Rs.530.00 PKR

Pine Bonsai Plant

Rs.4400.00 PKR

Walnut plant - Juglans

Rs.960.00 PKR

Pachypodium Lamerei

Rs.9000.00 PKR

Mexican Petunia

Rs.799.00 PKR

Juniper Bonsai

Rs.9000.00 PKR

Tacoma Stance

Rs.100.00 PKR

English Rose Plant White

Rs.400.00 PKR

Ficus Startlight

Rs.345.00 PKR

Juniper Black

Rs.4000.00 PKR

Rs.800.00 PKR

Rs.950.00 PKR

Rs.400.00 PKR

Rs.800.00 PKR

Rs.530.00 PKR

Rs.4400.00 PKR

Rs.9000.00 PKR

Rs.799.00 PKR

Rs.9000.00 PKR

Rs.100.00 PKR

Rs.345.00 PKR

Rs.4000.00 PKR

Rs.2000.00 PKR

Parijat, also known as Parijatak or Harshringar (Nyctanthes Arbor-Tristis), is a beautiful and fragrant flowering vine. This enchanting plant is revered for its stunning white flowers with bright orange centers, which bloom at night and fall off by morning, creating a carpet of delicate blossoms. Parijat is not only cherished for its ornamental beauty but also for its medicinal properties. It is commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities.

  • #Parijat #Parijatak #Harshringar #NyctanthesArborTristis #FloweringVine #NightBlooming
  • #FragrantFlowers #MedicinalPlants #AyurvedicMedicine #OrnamentalVine #GardenBeauty
  • #PlantLovers #HomeGardening #NatureInYourBackyard #PakistaniGardening

Showing 1-100 of 284 item(s)